The 2DMAT is a global summit and expo on graphene and 2D materials, taking place in Paris, France during 23-25 August 2021. The three day event gathers key players from the graphene and 2D materials community, and is a great opportunity to explore new avenues of graphene-related scientific and commercial developments.
Sir Colin Humphreys, Chief Scientific Officer at Paragraf and Professor of Materials Science at Queen Mary University of London, has been invited to talk about “Wafer-scale graphene electronic device manufacturing” on Tuesday 24th of August, 12:15-12:40 (Paris local time).
On Thursday 26th of August, Lok Yi Lee, Scientist at Paragraf, will hold a virtual presentation (15:10-15:35 CDT/21:10-21:40 BST) on “Graphene Hall sensors for stable use at cryogenic temperatures”.
For more information, full conference programme and to register, visit