Products by technology

Our high-performance graphene sensor technology brings magnetic field measurement resolution closer to that of more-complex magnetic sensors, with the ease of use of a Hall sensor. With high sensitivity and strong linear response to magnetic fields across temperatures.

Our cryogenic-ready graphene-based sensor is the first and only Hall effect sensor capable of measuring a range of magnetic field strengths from µT up to 7 T and above, at temperature extremes at the mK level.

To provide our customers with a greater ability to enjoy the full benefit of our industry-leading technology, we have developed the MiST data acquisition unit. Providing a self-contained, turn-key solution for easy configuration and operation of multiple GHS for a wide range of applications.
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Paragraf Senior Scientist Rosie Baines introduces graphene Hall effect sensors to RAZOR’s Reya El-Salahi.

Paragraf Research Director Natasha Conway introduces graphene Hall effect sensors and explains how the original electronics promise of graphene is being realised with the Graphene Council.