Tuesday 9th April 2024, Somersham, Cambridgeshire. Paragraf, the world’s only mass producer of graphene electronics using transfer-free graphene grown with conventional semiconductor processes, has today opened a new online store to enable global access to its unique Graphene-based Field Effect Transistor (“GFET”).

GFETs have a wide range of uses in the development of industry, medical, and chemical test applications. Paragraf’s proprietary graphene growth process enables the production of GFETs with advantages over transfer-graphene products due to its high graphene purity, lack of polymer or metal contaminants and single-atom-thick layer conformity.

“The launch of Paragraf’s GFET solution is an exciting development in our efforts to provide scientists and organisations around the world with a pristine graphene test platform that enables the development of reliable, repeatable biochemical tests,” said Mark Davis, Paragraf Director of Biosensors. “With the capability to reliably produce high volumes of GFETs every month, thanks to the Paragraf foundry, the GFET-PV01 is available now to customers all over the world and we look forward to serving the community.”

The Paragraf GFET-PV01 is an electrolyte-gated FET, mass-produced with a proprietary technique for depositing graphene directly on the device substrate with no transfer processing required. This delivers graphene channels free from polymers, foreign molecules or other defects. The GFET-PV01 is designed to enable a homogeneous electric field during operation. A central gate electrode is surrounded by three graphene channels, equidistant from the gate. The positioning of the channels enables consistent measurement and reliable manual or automated functionalisation of each channel for multiplexing and/or internal referencing. Encapsulation layers facilitate liquid handling during use. The device is compatible with readily available data acquisition systems.

The key features of Paragraf’s GFET-PV01 include:

  • Contaminant-free, monolayer graphene electrochemical sensor
  • Mass produced with standard semiconductor processes to industry-leading specifications
  • Large central gate, equidistant from three graphene channels
  • Designed for automated or manual functionalisation of graphene channels
  • Multi-omic and multiplex detection capable
  • Compatible with standard data acquisition systems

Paragraf’s GFET-PV01 is available to purchase today from https://store.paragraf.com/.


About Paragraf
Paragraf is the first company in the world to mass produce graphene-based electronic devices using standard semiconductor processes. Its line of magnetic sensors and GFETs currently in production and other semiconductor devices in development, make use of our proprietary graphene growth process to fully harness the wonder material’s myriad features.

Visit www.paragraf.com for more information or contact [email protected]

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