There has been a plethora of press coverage featuring Paragraf’s pioneering approach to graphene electronic devices. Here is a roundup of some of the recent highlights:
eeNews Europe featured an interview with CEO Simon Thomas – Building a graphene industry, one layer at a time.
A Paragraf Company Profile in Semiconductor Times.
The CERN and Paragraf partnership to demonstrate how new opportunities for magnetic measurements are opened up through the unique properties of Paragraf’s graphene sensors was covered in Eureka! Magazine.
Electronics Journal covered how Paragraf have progressed from research to commercialisation of graphene electronic devices in just five years.
EE Times discuss how graphene is on the verge of delivering on its potential.
And finally, our first (of many) graphene commercial products, the Paragraf graphene Hall Effect Sensor, has received multiple press coverage regarding its advantages in harsh environments in :
We are using our expertise to develop and deliver game-changing, commercial-quality, graphene-based electronic devices. With far-ranging applications including the semiconductor, green energy and sensor markets, a world using graphene is fast becoming reality. Keep checking the trade press for more news and applications.