My journey with Paragraf began in November 2021, when I was 18 years old. I had a curiosity for electronics and electrical engineering, and embarked on a unique career path that I could never have anticipated.
What sets Paragraf apart from other companies in the industry?

The answer lies in our pioneering work as the first company in the world to deposit uncontaminated, monolayer graphene directly onto a substrate. This achievement is the cornerstone of our first product, the graphene Hall sensor (GHS). These sensors perform with high sensitivity and reliability, making them indispensable in a wide range of applications.
My journey into the world of graphene started with an internship at Paragraf lasting nine months. During this period, I learned key practical skills and principles, whilst soaking up knowledge about graphene and our sensors in general. My passion for the field grew significantly and I soon transitioned into an apprentice role in the development team, where I could apply the skills I learned into real applications and key projects.
Balancing my work at Paragraf with my studies, I am pursuing a degree in electronics and electrical engineering at University Centre Peterborough. It’s a demanding schedule but one that I enjoy and embrace. This combination of practical experience and academic learning has been instrumental to my development at Paragraf.
Today, my primary role at Paragraf revolves around building test equipment and supporting the research team’s efforts related to the GHS. My work hopes to improve the throughput and reliability of data collected by the team. No day is the same at Paragraf as the company continues to scale and unlock new potential in their products. Alongside everyone else at Paragraf, I have the privilege to contribute to this effort directly.
But how did I discover Paragraf in the first place?
After my A-levels I was pretty much set on travelling around Europe for a year or so. However, I was spending an afternoon with my friend when he mentioned that his neighbour works at a company that I might find interesting. After speaking to his neighbour and learning more about what Paragraf were doing, I knew this was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down and applied right away.
If you too are ready to help transform the electronics industry in a full-time or apprentice career opportunity at Paragraf, visit to see if we have an opening for you, or get in touch with us today.
Jamie Raddon is a Development Apprentice at Paragraf.