Quantum computing – the next-generation computing paradigm that leverages principles of quantum mechanics such as superposition and entaglement in order to solve complex problems outside the capability of classical methods – is on the verge of its ‘Sputnik moment’, where it moves beyond the theoretical realm and begins being put in to use it practical applications.

The operation of many quantum computing systems uniquely aligns with the features of Paragraf’s cryogenic graphene Hall sensors (GHS). Though methods differ, most quantum computing systems operate in very low temperatures. Also, magnetic fields are a key concern for quantum systems, both because of the superconducting magnets used to manipulate the qubits within the system and the need to prevent corruption of the qubits from external fields. With their ability to work at extremely low temperatures and to measure an exceptionally wide range of magnetic field strengths, Paragraf’s cryogenic GHS devices meet these requirements to a degree that competing technologies cannot match.

In 2023, we published a series of blog posts about Paragraf’s quantum computing solutions, which you can read at:

Full specs and datasheets for each of the sensors in Paragraf’s cryogenic range can be found at Cryogenic sensors – Paragraf. Click on the ‘Enquire Now’ buttons on that page to discuss with us how Paragraf’s sensors can meet your needs.

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